Islander Online – The Christian Island Cottagers' Association


CICA Board of Directors 2022-23

“CICA’s board of directors is in place to facilitate communication among members and between CICA and BFN, hear from members about their concerns, bring members together to find common ground, seek effective solutions to problems, and maintain and promote positive relations between CICA and BFN.” -K. McNair.

President: Chloe Atkins (Lighthouse Point)

Vice President: Earl Browning (Big Sand Bay)

Secretary: Jennifer MacLeod (Big Sand Bay)

Treasurer: Keith Burrows (Lighthouse Point)

Directors: Jenny Nedelsky (Lighthouse Point); John Crockford (Big Sand Bay); Kate Skelly (Monague Point)

Immediate Past President: Beth Herrema (Lighthouse Point) will attend meetings on an advisory basis but will not have a vote.

Membership Coordinator: Ines Colabrese (Big Sand Bay)

Communications: Keith Burrows/Andrey Spiwak

Website: Andrey Spiwak (Lighthouse Point)

The CICA is a registered, volunteer, not-for-profit organization.