Islander Online – The Christian Island Cottagers' Association


Beausoleil First Nation

Beausoleil First Nation Council consists of 6 Councillors and 1 Chief.

The General Election held on May 22, 2021 resulted in the following elected to office:

Chief: Joanne P. Sandy

Chief Councillor: Tanya Roote-Jamieson
Councillor: Trevor Reid
Councillor: Whitney Walsh
Councillor: Jane Copegog
Councillor: Murray Sandy

Executive Assistant: Lance Copegog

Oath of Office took place on June 1, 2021.

Beausoleil First Nation:

BFN Lands and Resources

Beausoleil First Nation Visitor’s Guide

Land Code Development Pamphlet

Land Code Development Committee – FNLMA Pamplet

BFN Newsletter – Fall 2014

From BFN

BFN Office Hours

Regular Business Hours
Monday—Thursday 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Friday 8:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
Saturday May 30, June 6, 13, 20, June 27, 4, 11, 10:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

Beausoleil First Nation Lands & Resources Office
11 O’Gema Miikan
Christian Island, ON L9M 0A9

Phone: 705-247-2051
Fax: 705-247-2239